It's a long story with dying Hawaiian Coral reefs, a disillusioned marine biologist who wants to get out and see more of the world, and an important piece that has to do with the infamous Sidra Medical and Research Center, which is finally (probably) going to open! The hospital is still an incredible facility and Sidra has gotten the keys to the building from the contractors. I've wandered the halls on many occasions and seen both Obstetric Units with 16 LDRs in one and 12 in the other, 3 surgical theaters in each and one dedicated MRI! The challenge of getting this project off the ground is pretty exciting. In my next post, I will host a Sidra tour, so stand by.
I plan to Bog regularly and this is just a brief warm-up (journey of a 1000 miles, and all that). We miss all our friends back home and we hope to see some of you out here.